Digitally Enabled Patient Navigation Blueprint
Use this resource to ensure your patient navigation programming is standardized, efficient, and reimbursable. It features best practices for implementing a digital patient navigation program that improves access to care and reduces patient financial toxicity.
Using the Blueprint, You Can:
Engage health system leadership to get buy-in for allocation of resources
Implement best practices for the design of equitable and cost effective patient navigation workflows
Adapt existing EHR platforms to better support patient navigation
Design patient navigation programs that are sustained by available reimbursement pathways
The Value of Digitally Enabled Patient Navigation
Systematic Assessment of Patient Need
Process: Use digital patient screeners to assess Social Determinants of Health (SDOH) risk, risk of financial toxicity, and need for patient navigation
Impact: Benchmark SDOH and patient need to enable connection to financial resources and other dimensions of patient navigation
Use Case: Cancer Support Community Digital Assessment and Referral Platform
Prioritization of Patient Navigation Resources
Process: Use digital screening tools to triage and track patients with highest level of need, longitudinally
Impact: Prioritize limited patient navigation resources, enable repeat screening for financial toxicity, and ensure comprehensive patient navigation
Automated Workflows & Referrals to Financial Support
Process: Use electronic health records (EHR) workflows to reduce administrative burden on patient navigators and increase meaningful connections to financial assistance and other resources
Impact: Meet patient financial and other needs more effectively and efficiently
Use Case: Miami-Sylvester + Leukemia & Lymphoma Society EHR-embedded Referrals
Meaningful Data Use to Improve & Expand Services
Process: Use EHR and ePRO data to understand population health metrics and trends in patient need based on patient digital footprint
Impact: Increase ability to track ROI and advocate for scaled support services to meet patient needs
Use Case: Abramson Cancer Center Data Collection for Navigation Program Optimization
Get Started
The Digitally Enabled Patient Navigation Blueprint features several resources that you can use to adapt existing technology and leverage reimbursement pathways to support patient navigation – from pre-treatment to active treatment to survivorship.
Click through the three sections of the Blueprint below for related resources.
Highlights core objectives for patient navigators to make a business case to decision-makers showcasing the value of a digitally enabled patient navigation program.
Covers approaches patient navigators and health information technologists can take to adapt existing EHR platforms and develop EHR-enabled workflows to fit their patient navigation needs.
Features a digitally enabled workflow, recommended approaches for digital distress screening, and billing information for patient and financial navigators who need information on digital patient triage, navigation interventions, and reimbursement pathways.