Personalized Patient Experience

To deliver access to precision care and support treatment plan adherence, health systems should execute to:

Objective 1: Tailor Digital Patient & Caregiver Education

Use of digitally enabled education modules to improve patient and caregiver understanding of their treatment plan and coverage options can improve shared decision-making and patient financial outcomes after a cancer diagnosis.

The Impact:

One program leveraging the patient portal to provide educational content related found high rates of digital activity: 92% of patients invited had registered for the patient portal and 64% of digital education items sent were read, improving patient outcomes and reducing provider burden.

How to deploy: Approaches to Virtual Care Deployment

Objective 2: Integrate Technology & Culturally Sensitive Care

To ensure that digital health solutions do not exacerbate disparities in access to care and financial toxicity, health systems must take care to design infrastructure and policies that enable culturally sensitive care.

Health systems must account for the fact that digital health solution adoption will depend on technology access, abilities, and preferences, and provide options for further support with digital application access and use.

Pro Tip
Learn more about the hallmarks of high-quality virtual care through DiMe IMPACT Resources. 

How to deploy: Approaches for Digitally-Enabled Culturally Sensitive Caret

Objective 3: Connect Patients to Psychosocial Support

There are many digital applications that can help patients manage the psychosocial distress caused by the financial burden of cancer treatment – an important aspect of financial toxicity that impacts cancer patient quality of life and health outcomes.

How to deploy: Approaches to Deploying Psychosocial Support

These solutions can help health systems assess patient needs for psychosocial support and can facilitate personalized patient coaching to help patients manage stress, sleep deprivation, anxiety, and depression after a cancer diagnosis.

These solutions can help health systems assess patient needs for psychosocial support and can facilitate personalized patient coaching to help patients manage stress, sleep deprivation, anxiety, and depression after a cancer diagnosis.

These example solutions demonstrate the capabilities of existing solutions to tailor digital education, provide accessible and culturally sensitive care, and improve psychosocial outcomes.

Defining Success & Choosing Solutions

Key performance indicators (KPIs) can be used to measure successful digital health solution implementation. Select KPIs that:

Are measurable

Align with existing data workflows

Work within your system’s existing strategy to improve patient access

Key examples

Access Example Solutions

Here is a guide of existing solutions to expedite time to diagnosis and treatment; support the provision of high-quality virtual care; and extend clinical research options.

Digital Genetics Platform to Expedite Diagnosis & Treatment

Digital Imaging Platform to Guide Expedited Diagnosis & Treatment

Clinical Decision Support for Diagnosis

Clinical Decision Support for Treatment Planning

Clinical Decision Support for Treatment Planning

Digital Platform for Diagnosis 

Clinical Decision Support for Treatment Planning

AI/ML Algorithm for Clinical Trial Matching

Digital Solution for Clinical Trial Site Activation

Remote Patient Monitoring for Earlier Intervention

Remote Patient Monitoring & Decentralized Clinical Trials

Remote Patient Monitoring & Decentralized Clinical Trials

Virtual Site for Decentralized Clinical Trials

Virtual Care Platform to Improve Access & Reduce Cost of Treatment

Digital Platform to Improve Access & Reduce Cost of Treatment

Digital Platform to Improve Access & Reduce Cost of Treatment

Virtual Care Platform to Improve Access & Reduce Cost of Treatment

Digital Platform to Improve Access & Reduce Cost of Treatment

Virtual Care Platform to Improve Access to Care in Survivorship

At-Home Screening & Detection Tests

Direct-to-Patient Solution to Improve Patient Cost & Psychosocial Outcomes

Digital Marketplace for Clinical Trials

Patient Navigation Application: Financial  Guidance

Patient Navigation Application: Clinical & Financial Guidance

Patient Navigation Application: Psychosocial Guidance

Patient Navigation Application: Clinical & Financial Guidance

Patient Navigation Application: Clinical & Financial Guidance

Patient Navigation Application: Clinical & Psychosocial Guidance

Patient Navigation Application: Patient Access & Reduced Health Care Cost

Digital Solution for Psychosocial Support

Point of Care Solution for Patient Data Sharing

AI-driven Cancer Diagnostic Platform

Digital Platform to Improve Access to Precision Oncology as Part of Treatment Planning