CancerX Data Sprint

Today, the data from a single patient’s tumor in a clinical trial can add up to one terabyte — the equivalent of 130,000 books. Additionally, over 13 million electronic medical records exist for cancer patients in the U.S. alone.

Cancer is a data-driven illness and merging data assets across different sectors is an essential step to fighting this terrible disease. CancerX Data Sprint aims to do just that: collaborate with the federal government and industry to build comprehensive real-world datasets in a way that’s never been done before in oncology.

CancerX Data Sprint: Summary Findings

A detailed look at how Data Sprint is supporting CMMI’s EOM and ONC’s USCDI+.

The CancerX Data Sprint Approach

The CancerX community sprinted into action to support the collective efforts of the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Innovation (CMMI), the National Cancer Institute (NCI), the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONC) to advance cancer-related data standards.

Specifically, we are providing additional support and insights into the ongoing collaboration between the CMMI’s Enhancing Oncology Model (EOM) and the development of ONC’s United States Core Data for Interoperability (USCDI+) – Oncology extension, which aims to support the establishment of domain-specific data element lists as extensions to the existing USCDI.

We are supporting the timelines and progress of ONC and CMMI’s effort to identify additional, high-value data collection elements to optimize cancer research and care with a 3-step approach:

Identify the high-value research questions that could be asked about the standardized real-world data (RWD) and real-world evidence (RWE) generated through EOM.

Supplement existing data collection elements to optimize the RWD/RWE to support scientific inquiries, referencing the existing work of Minimal Common Oncology Data Elements (mCODE) and FDA Oncology Center of Excellence (OCE).

Support piloting the implementation of these data elements in coordination with ONC, NCI, and CMMI, along with health IT vendors, health systems, payors, life science companies, and data research platforms.

Learn more about this phase of the work, CancerX Data Sprint Extension.

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Learn More About the CancerX Data Sprint

Harnessing the power of comprehensive real-world datasets for advancements in oncology.

A detailed look at how Data Sprint is supporting CMMI’s EOM and ONC’s USCDI+.

Find out more about the Data Sprint in this 5 min video featuring Jennifer Goldsack, Edmondo Robinson, and Stephen Konya.

Progress like this is only possible because of the agility, passion, and collaboration of our CancerX members. By sprinting to coordinate cross-disciplinary efforts, we are fueling the lifeline of cancer research and care – data! – to enhance the quality of care provided to cancer patients, optimize spending, and contribute to a unified vision of healthcare data excellence in oncology.

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